home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;
- ; Advanced Call Center (ACC), (c) 1998 - 2000 Oleg Afonin
- ;
- [Options]
- ;
- ; Better setup
- ;
- nTAPI=1
- ; Default modem name
- ; Type: string
- ; Default: 'Default modem'
- ; Comment: Change this value, run and exit program - new section
- ; will be created. Change all parameters there
- ;
- ; If you want to edit modem profile, select 'Custom' and edit [Custom] section
- ;
- sModem=LT Win Modem
- ; COM port number.
- ; Modem serial (COM) port
- ; Range: -1, 1, 2, 3 or 4
- ; Default: -1 (auto)
- ;
- nComPort=-1
- ; Line source.
- ; Range:
- ; 0 remote (default)
- ; 1 handset
- ; 2 mic
- ; 3 speaker
- ; 4 monitor
- ; 5 (or 6) speakerphone
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- nLineSelection=0
- ; CID type
- ; Range: 0 - 3
- ; 0 - Russian CID (default)
- ; 1 - Hardware (modem-specific) CID (supported in special cases only)
- ; 2 - USA CID standard
- ; 3 - other (reserved)
- ;
- nCIDType=2
- ; Get CID in real-time. This causes CID be detected FASTER and, in some cases, better.
- ; Range: boolean (1 or 0)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bRealTimeCID=1
- ; Time to wait for CID beginning when real-time CID is enabled
- ; Increase if a lot of numbers can't be detected
- ; Range: 200 - ~2000
- ; Default: 340
- ;
- dwTimeToWait=340
- ; Voice (CID) record time (milliseconds)
- ; Increase if a lot of numbers can't be detected
- ; Range: 500 - 10000
- ; Default: 3000 (try 1500 if frequent detection errors occure)
- ;
- dwTimeToGet=4500
- ; While in 'delay before CID request' state, detect CID presense
- ; Range: boolean (1 or 0)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bActiveDelay=0
- ; Voice (CID) record time (milliseconds) IMMEDIATELY after answer.
- ; Useful on SOME ATS' which send CID _before_ they receive CID request.
- ; Decrease or ZERO if a lot of numbers can't be detected
- ; Range: 500 - ~2000
- ; Default: 100 (in some cases 750-1000 is good enough)
- ;
- nPreDetectTime=15
- ; Online inactivity timer (milliseconds).
- ; Range: 0 - MAXDWORD
- ; Default: 60000 (1 minute of inactivity causes line drop)
- ;
- dwInactiveTimer=60000
- ; When using new method of playing message through the line,
- ; specifies time of one block played.
- ; Range: ~10 - ~60000 (milliseconds)
- ; Default: 20 ms
- ;
- nBlockTime=40
- ; Number of CID requests (tone beeps) sent per ONE detection cycle.
- ; Range: 1-2
- ; Default: 1 (try 2 if does not work)
- ;
- nCIDReqNumber=1
- ; Use short (100 ms instead of 200 ms) CID request
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bShortRequest=0
- ; Maximum number of attempts to get CID if previous attempt failed.
- ; Can cause an extra time before replying when CID can't be detected.
- ; Range: 1-3 (3 is the maximum that ATS allows)
- ; Default: 2
- ;
- nMaxAttempts=2
- ; Clear Comm Error after each read/erite operation
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bSafeIO=0
- ; Overlapped I/O.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bOverlappedIO=1
- ; Default timeout for all operations. It is the UPPER time limit (milliseconds)
- ; the program will wait for modem' response on command.
- ; Range: 0 - 3000
- ; Default: 2500 (try 820 with Quant=15)
- ;
- dwTimeoutDefault=2500
- ; Default timeout for single character operations (milliseconds)
- ; Set together with 'default timeout (dwTimeoutDefault)'.
- ; Program uses this value to determine its time slice in a single-character operations
- ; Range: 0 - 2000
- ; Default: 15 (try 5 with Default=145)
- ;
- dwTimeoutQuant=55
- ; Use hardware to detect ring. Turn this off for compatibility
- ; reason if the program does not detect ring.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bUseHardwareRing=0
- ; Action after handset pickup.
- ;
- nAction=0
- nWhiteAction=1000
- nBlackAction=2
- ; Try faster initialization algorythm. Generally recommended.
- ; Should be disabled during debugging proceess.
- ;
- bFasterModemInit=1
- ; Fourier window shift stepping (samples)
- ; Used in caller number detection algorythm. Less is more time consuming,
- ; but may be more accurate (set 'nDetectFakeDigits=-1' if you change this).
- ; Range: -1 - ??
- ; Default: -1
- ;
- step=-1
- ; Serial baud rate (bits per second)
- ; Do not change this one!
- ; Range: 2400 - 115200
- ; Default: 19200
- ;
- dwBaudRate=256000
- ; Number of rings before trying to detect CID
- ; 0 - do not answer automatically
- ; Range: 0 - 6
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- nRings=2
- ; Number of wait signals sent to line before hangup
- ; Range: 1 - ?
- ; Default: 6
- ;
- nWaitSignals=0
- ; Debug level. Stores intermediate information in files.
- ; - mode 0: no debug info saved
- ; - mode 1: PCM data saved in the prog's folder with temporary generated
- ; filenames, including 'Real-time CID'.
- ; Detected numbers saved there too.
- ; All files are being deleted after program exit except
- ; 'modem.log' file created.
- ; - mode 2: PCM and Compressed Voice data saved.
- ; PCM is not saved with 'Real-time CID' enabled.
- ; Detected numbers saved. Detected ATS
- ; packet digits saved. Deleted after exit.
- ; 'modem.log' created.
- ; Range: 0, 1 or 2
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- nDebugLevel=0
- ; Separate digits - smart method. Use by default.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bSmartDigitExtraction=1
- ; Threshold value to separate digits.
- ; Range: 0 (don't use) to ~255
- ; Default: 26
- ;
- nSmartDigitExtractionThreshold=26
- ; False (errorneous) digits detect. Increase this if detected number
- ; contains _more_ digits than the real one; decrease if less digits in
- ; detected number than in real one
- ; -1 means automatic garbage collection (if this does not work correctly,
- ; try to set this explicitly to 2 or 3)
- ; Range: -1 (auto), 0 - ~10
- ; Default: 2
- ;
- nDetectFakeDigits=-1
- ; Number of digits in the phone numbering system at your location.
- ; Range: usually something between 5 and 7
- ; Default: 7
- ;
- nDigitsInNumber=7
- ; Start disabled (paused).
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bStartDisabled=0
- ; Detect cadence (busy signal) while being online (talking) or sending
- ; 'wait' signals to remote caller. If cadence detected, hangs up the modem.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bCadenceDetection=1
- ; Period of cadence detection.
- ; Less values maybe less precise but give faster response.
- ; Range: 100 - 4000
- ; Default: 2000
- ;
- dwCadenceQuant=4000
- ; Check incoming ring event whether it was a real ring ("RING" modem response) or not.
- ; May cause some rings not to be handled. Prevents most of pulse dialing on a parallel
- ; phone device from being treated as incoming rings.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bConfirmRing=1
- ; Show notification dialog (info on Caller and Phone number) when detected CID.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bShowNotificationDlg=1
- ; Use alternative way of delivering commands to modem.
- ; May be faster and more compatible with your modem.
- ; Try 0 if commands are NOT accepted by your modem.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bUseAltCmdTransmit=1
- ; Save log file
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bSaveLogFile=1
- ; Name of the log file. Use relative or full path and file name.
- ;
- sLogFileName=logfile.txt
- ; Use external files to utilize help.
- ; Greatly reduces memory usage.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bUseExternalHelp=1
- ; Show dialog tips
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bShowDlgTips=0
- ; Ring emulation frequensy.
- ; Range: 300-3000
- ; Default: 425
- ;
- nFreqRing=480
- nFreqRing2=620
- ; Length of RING emulation tone in Russian CID
- ; Range: integer (Standard1: 800 Standard2: 1000)
- ; Default: 800
- ;
- nRingEmulationLength=800
- ; Pauses between RING emulation tones in Russian CID
- ; Range: integer (Standard1: 3000 Standard2: 4000)
- ; Default: 3000
- ;
- nRingEmulationPause=3000
- ; Turn on modem speaker while answering
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bEnableModemSpeaker=0
- ; Use software (sinusoidal) tone generator (more precise timing)
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bSoftwareToneGenerator=0
- ; Exact CID request time.
- ; Range: integer (40 - 300), recommended (90 - 160)
- ; Default: 160
- ;
- nReqTime=160
- ; Pop-up window font size(14 or 15)
- ;
- g_iFontHeight=15
- ; Monitor voice from modem to sound card
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bEnableSBOutput=0
- ; Monitor the messages played to the line via sound card
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bEnableSBOutput_play=0
- ; Format phone number for better display (i.e. "1234567890" to "(123) 456-7890")
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bReFormatNumber=1
- ; LCD background index
- ;
- LCD_bk=1
- ; Monitor DTMF tones
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bEnableDTMFDetection=1
- ; Use fast line signals detection.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bUseFastDTMFDetection=1
- ; Hardware AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- iAGC=0
- ; Software AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bSoftAGC=0
- ; Russian CID request frequency
- ; Default: 500 Hz
- ;
- iReqFreq=500
- ; How much times per second to interrupt PLAYBACK
- ; to scan line signals.
- ; Default: 10 Hz
- ;
- iScanFreq=1000
- ; Max block size that will be written to modem continuously.
- ; Default: 4096 bytes
- ;
- iMaxBlockWrites=16384
- ; Generated tone volume
- ; Range: 0 - 100
- ; Default: 100
- ;
- iToneVolume=100
- ; Use compatible sound playback. Set this when getting
- ; chopping sound while playing through modem line in pass-through mode.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bCompatiblePlayback=1
- ; Use fixed font. Compatibility option. Change state if troubles with font displaying.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- g_bFixedFont=1
- ; Single click toggles pause.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bClick=0
- ; Defaults for telephone number formatting
- sFormat5=%c%c%c%c%c
- sFormat6=%c%c%c-%c%c%c
- sFormat7=%c%c%c-%c%c%c%c
- sFormat8=%c%c%c%c-%c%c%c%c
- sFormat9=%c%c%c%c%c-%c%c%c%c
- sFormat10=(%c%c%c) %c%c%c-%c%c%c%c
- sFormat11=%c (%c%c%c) %c%c%c-%c%c%c%c
- sFormat12=(%c%c%c%c%c) %c%c%c %c%c%c%c
- sFormat13=%c%c%c %c %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c
- ; Available format strings
- ; 1-23-45; 12345; 12-345; 1 2345
- saFormat5=%c-%c%c-%c%c;%c%c%c%c%c;%c%c-%c%c%c;%c %c%c%c%c
- ; 12-34-56; 123 456; 12 3456
- saFormat6=%c%c-%c%c-%c%c;%c%c%c-%c%c%c;%c%c %c%c%c%c
- ; 123-45-67; 123-4567 Israel
- saFormat7=%c%c%c-%c%c-%c%c;%c%c%c-%c%c%c%c
- ; 1324 5678 ;(12) 345678; (1) 234-5678
- saFormat8=%c%c%c%c-%c%c%c%c;(%c%c) %c%c%c%c%c%c;(%c) %c%c%c-%c%c%c%c
- ; 12345 6789; 1234 56789; ++12-3-456789 (Italy); (12) 345-6789 (Israel);(123) 456-789 Israel mobile
- saFormat9=%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c;%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c;++%c%c-%c-%c%c%c%c%c%c;(%c%c) %c%c%c-%c%c%c%c;(%c%c%c) %c%c%c-%c%c%c
- ; (123) 456-7890 (US,CA,JP);+1 (23) 456-78-90 (RU); (+12)-3456-7890 (Germany);+12 34 56 78 90 France, Nd;1234 567 890 AU mobile;1234 567890 GB mobile;(+12) (3) 456 78 90 Belguim;(+12) 3456 7890 (Dutch); +12 3 456-7890 (Spain); +12 34 567890 (Spain); +12-3-4567890 (Sweden); 123-456-7890; 12 3456 7890 Australian
- saFormat10=(%c%c%c) %c%c%c-%c%c%c%c;+%c (%c%c) %c%c%c-%c%c-%c%c;(+%c%c)-%c%c%c%c-%c%c%c%c;+%c%c %c%c %c%c %c%c %c%c;(%c%c%c%c) %c%c%c %c%c%c;%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c;(+%c%c) (%c) %c%c%c %c%c %c%c;(+%c%c) %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c;+%c%c %c %c%c%c %c%c%c%c;+%c%c %c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c;+%c%c-%c-%c%c%c%c%c%c%c;%c%c%c-%c%c%c-%c%c%c%c;%c%c %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c
- ; +1 (234) 567-89-01 (RU); (12) (3) 45 67 89 01 (France); +12-3-45-67-89-01 (France); +12 3 4567 8901 (AU); (+12) 3 4567 8901 (AU); 1234 567 8901 (GB, London);12345 678901 (GB,other);(1)2345 67 89 01 (GB,IR?);(12345) 678901 (GB,IR?); +12 34 567 8901 Netherlands;(+12) 34-567 89 01 Netherlands;(123) 4567-8901 Hong Kong;+123-4-5678901 (Finland);+12.3.4567.8901 (Japan); USA, Canada 1 (234) 567 8901;(12345) 678901; (1234) 567-8901
- saFormat11=+%c (%c%c%c) %c%c%c-%c%c-%c%c;(%c%c) (%c) %c%c %c%c %c%c %c%c;+%c%c-%c-%c%c-%c%c-%c%c-%c%c;+%c%c %c %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c;(+%c%c) %c %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c;%c%c%c%c %c%c%c %c%c%c%c;%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c;(%c)%c%c%c%c %c%c %c%c %c%c;(%c%c%c%c%c) %c%c%c%c%c%c;+%c%c %c%c %c%c%c %c%c%c%c;(+%c%c) %c%c-%c%c%c %c%c %c%c;(%c%c%c) %c%c%c%c-%c%c%c%c;+%c%c%c-%c-%c%c%c%c%c%c%c;+%c%c.%c.%c%c%c%c.%c%c%c%c;%c (%c%c%c) %c%c%c %c%c%c%c;(%c%c%c%c%c) %c%c%c%c%c%c;(%c%c%c%c) %c%c%c-%c%c%c%c
- ; +12 (3)45 678 90 12 (AU, Netherl); +12 3 45/67 89-012 (Germany);+12 345/67 89-012 (Germany); +12-(3)-4567-8901-2 (Germany); +12 (3) 45 678 9012 (Germany); (+12)(3) 4567 8901 2 (Germany);+12 (3)456 789012 (Germany); (+12) 34 56 78 90 12 (France); +12 (3)45 678 90 12 (AU?); 12 345 6789012 (GB?); +12 3456 789012 (GB?); +12 (3)45 6789012 Netherlands
- saFormat12=+%c%c (%c) %c%c %c%c%c %c%c %c%c;+%c%c %c %c%c/%c%c %c%c-%c%c%c;+%c%c %c%c%c/%c%c %c%c-%c%c%c;+%c%c-(%c)-%c%c%c%c-%c%c%c%c-%c;+%c%c (%c) %c%c %c%c%c %c%c%c%c;(+%c%c)(%c) %c%c%c%c %c%c%c %c;+%c%c (%c)%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c;(+%c%c) %c%c %c%c %c%c %c%c %c%c;+%c%c (%c)%c%c %c%c%c %c%c %c%c;%c%c %c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c%c;+%c%c %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c;+%c%c (%c)%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c%c
- ; (123) 456-7890123 (def); (+12)(3) 4567 8901-23 (Germany); +12 (3)4567 89 01 23 (GB, Ireland?)
- saFormat13=(%c%c%c) %c%c%c-%c%c%c%c%c%c%c;(+%c%c)(%c) %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c-%c%c;+%c%c (%c)%c%c%c%c %c%c %c%c %c%c
- ; Use text-to-speech engine.
- ; 0 - do not use
- ; 1 - use Voice TTS API
- ; 2 - use instant Voice TTS API
- ; 3 - use on-load Voice TTS API (does not work)
- ; 1001 - use Direct TTS API
- ; 1002 - use instant Direct TTS API
- ; 1003 - use on-load Direct TTS API (does not work)
- ;
- nTextToSpeech=0
- ; Software 'busy' detection..
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bSoftBusy=0
- ; Part of all blocks to analyze for 'busy' tone.
- ; Range: 1 - 10
- ; Default: 2 (1/2 of all blocks to analyze)
- ;
- iBusyDiscrete=2
- ; Detect 'busy' after there were several tones.
- ; Range: 1 - 10
- ; Default: 2
- ;
- iBusySignal=2
- ; Time of one 'busy' tone (ms)
- ; Range: usually 150 - 300
- ; Default: 150
- ;
- iBusyTime=150
- ; Caller ID with phone number only (no caller name transmitted).
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bNumberOnlyCID=0
- ; Perform extra port initialization: queue setup.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bSetupQueue=0
- ; Size of internal communication buffer. */
- ;
- ; Journal originated calls.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bLogOriginatedCalls=1
- ; Ring (play sound through a sound card) with a standard RING
- ; before the caller is detected and customized RING sound can be played back.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bRingBeforeCallerID=1
- ; Turn on silence detection.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bSilenceDetection=1
- iSilenceDetectionSensitivity=50
- iSilenceDetectionTimeout=5
- ; Area codes map. Empty sets the appropriate map automatically.
- ; The map must be stored in <acid2000>\areacode folder.
- ;
- sAreaMapDB=US.db
- ; Announce state and major cities for long-distance calls.
- bAnnounceState=1
- bAnnounceCities=0
- ; Heuristic in phone number formatting (mobile phones detection and so on).
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bAdvancedFormatting=0
- ; Pop-up dialog new design style.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 1
- ;
- bNewDesign=1
- ; Use dialing rules
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bUseAreaRules=0
- arRASWindows=Dial-Up Networking;Dial-up Connection;Connect To;Dialing Progress;Connecting to;Connessione a
- ; Track handset pick-up
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bTrackHandset=0
- ; VRA, 1/10 of second
- nVoiceRingbackGoesAway=70
- ; VRN, 1/10 of second
- nVoiceRingbackNeverCame=100
- ld_prefix=
- AlwaysDialAll10=0
- bPulseDial=0
- bTreatZeroNumberAsUnknown=0
- bDropBlackCalls=0
- bFax=0
- sFaxAppName=
- sFaxParam=
- uiFaxSeconds=30
- bDisableModemInact=1
- bCompat=0
- iPopup=0
- dwPopupTimer=15000
- bStoreWavLogs=1
- AlwaysDial1=
- DontDial1=
- nFigures=7
- bCompatibleDial=0
- AreaCode=
- bKeepSpeaker=1
- bRecordOriginated=0
- bEMailCID=0
- bEAttachVoice=0
- bEDialUp=0
- bECIDSubj=0
- nEWaitSeconds=30
- m_sOriginatorName=
- m_sOriginatorAddress=
- m_sRecipsName=
- m_sRecipsAdderss=
- m_sSubject=
- m_PagerType=0
- m_PagerPort=1
- m_PagerRetries=1
- m_PagerDelay=10
- m_PagerBlock=80
- m_PagerAccount=
- m_PagerMessage=
- m_PagerPhone=
- m_PagerSerialSetting=1200,E,7,1
- TTS_bEnable=0
- TTS_bIncoming=1
- TTS_bName=1
- TTS_bNumber=1
- TTS_bOnlyName=0
- TTS_bSpellNA=1
- TTS_times=1
- TTS_sIncoming=Incoming call:
- TTS_sName=Caller is
- TTS_sNumber=Telephone number is
- TTS_index=0
- DTMF_0=0
- DTMF_1=0
- DTMF_2=0
- DTMF_3=0
- DTMF_4=0
- DTMF_5=0
- DTMF_6=0
- DTMF_7=0
- DTMF_8=0
- DTMF_9=0
- DTMF_A=0
- DTMF_B=0
- DTMF_C=0
- DTMF_D=0
- bFlashKeyb=0
- bPinDial=1
- nTAPILine=7
- bShowCidName=0
- bSwapName=0
- bUnattendedPage=1
- m_nPIN=0
- bPinTTS=0
- bPinInstruct=1
- bPinRequest=1
- bPinConfirm=1
- sPinInstruct=
- sPinRequest=./wave/Passwrdq.wav
- sPinConfirm=
- bScheduleGreeting=0
- sScheduleGreeting=
- bAlphaConvert=1
- bRecAll=1
- bHandsetStart=0
- bHandsetStop=0
- bHilightNew=1
- bPageContactsOnly=0
- bUseSoundIntervals=0
- iSoundInterval=60
- sWaveNewMessage=
- bEMailCompress=0
- bTollSaver=0
- strPinArray=
- sWaveRemoteGlobal=wave\silence.wav
- sWaveSilence=wave\silence.wav
- sWaveNoNewMessages=wave\nonewmsg.wav
- bIgnoreBusy=0
- bRunProg=0
- bRunAfter=0
- bRunDisableBlack=1
- bRunPause=0
- sRunApp=
- sRunParam=call.number" "call.name
- bRunNotAnsw=0
- nFwdMethod=0
- bFwdBlack=0
- sFwdPhone=
- dwDialFor=60000
- m_iVolume=50
- strVersion=4. 0. 0. 592
- nFreqRing3=500
- nFreqRing4=67
- bUseWindowSchedule=1
- bFlashOnNewMsg=0
- [Sounds]
- ; Wave: incoming ring sound
- sWaveRingIn=Wave\Ringin.wav
- ; Wave: sending 'wait' signals
- sWaveWait=wave\ringout.wav
- sWaveHold=wave\hold.wav
- sWaveCompressedHold=wave\hold.wav
- ; Wave: 'default greeting'
- sWaveGreet=wave\greet.wav
- ; Wave: 'alternative greeting'
- sWaveAltGreet=wave\block.wav
- sWaveGreet2=wave\greet.wav
- sWaveClick=wave\signon.wav
- ; Program startup options
- [Startup]
- dwVersion=40000
- ; Show 'Main' dialog during startup
- ShowMainDlg=1
- ; Screen coordinates of CallerID pop-up window.
- ; Default: (-1, -1)
- iPopupX=5
- iPopupY=10
- ; Language ID
- ;
- iLangID=0
- ; Treat '0000000' numbers as UNKNOWN.
- ; Range: boolean (0 or 1)
- ; Default: 0
- ;
- bTreatZeroNumberAsUnknown=0
- bProperShutdown=1
- [Settings]
- MainDlgX=498
- MainDlgY=169
- CJListPB=185,90,0,0,167,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,267,0,0,0,0,0,
- CJListIn=133,0,0,46,94,100,0,0,0,
- CJListInboxcx=401
- CJListInboxcy=363
- sfDate=ddd, MMMM dd
- sfTime=HH:mm
- bShowMenu=1
- Control=170,97,0,
- inbox_iPlayTo=0
- CJListInboxX=89
- CJListInboxY=188
- bDockBoxes=1
- bConfirmDelete=1
- CJListBoxSortCol=0
- CJListBoxSortDir=0
- CJListBoxColOrder=0,4,5,3,1,2,6,7,8,
- CJListPBcx=686
- CJListPBcy=494
- CJListPBSortCol=0
- CJListPBSortDir=1
- CJListPBColOrder=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,
- m_bShowTextLabels=1
- CJListDialSortCol=0
- CJListDialSortDir=0
- bStoreInTrash=1
- m_bShowTextLabelsInbox=1